FIR Can Prevent Cancer
Nearly 70,000 new cancer
cases were diagnosed among Malaysians in Peninsular Malaysia between 2003 and
2005, according to a report released in early 2008 on the incidence of the
disease in West Malaysia.
Cancer Incidence in Peninsular Malaysia 2003-2005 report, published by the
National Cancer Registry (NCR), states that the total 67,792 new cases were
diagnosed among 29,596 males (43.7 per cent) and 38,196 females (56.3 per
cent). The annual crude rate for males was 100.2 per cent per 100,000
population, and 132.1 per cent per 100,000 for females.
Breast Cancer |
Ovarian Cancer |
a form of heat (hyperthermic) treatment that involves artificially
raising the temperature of the whole body or specific body part by sauna, or a
specific body part, in a very specific way. Heat is a form of energy. Far infrared heat energy
penetrates deeply–four to five centimeters into the skin, the body’s largest
detoxifying organ. Its molecular vibrations “jiggle” the tissues and speed up
metabolic exchanges between cells.
Vancouver naturopathic
physician Jim Chan, who has treated about 5,000 cancer patients, explains
that far infrared therapy has the ability to break up the protective
rings around harmful molecules in the body so they’re no longer cancer-causing.
It also weakens the bonds between toxins and human tissues, so stored toxins
can be flushed out of the system faster and in greater quantities through the
skin (via sweating), liver and bowels.
cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42°C (107.6°F). In
addition to its detoxifying effects, far infrared heat actually
helps kill cancer cells, increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce
the side-effects of conventional therapies. At the same time, it boosts the
body’s regenerative abilities and decreases pain by increasing circulation,
which makes it beneficial in treating other conditions such as arthritis, gout,
poor circulation, neuralgia and abnormal nerve function.
Investigations into far infrared and other heat treatments will no doubt continue to move mainstream as science, technology and good old common sense come together. As the late, great cancer doctor, Josef M. Issels, known for his incredible successes in treating “incurable” cases, said about heat therapy: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.”
Investigations into far infrared and other heat treatments will no doubt continue to move mainstream as science, technology and good old common sense come together. As the late, great cancer doctor, Josef M. Issels, known for his incredible successes in treating “incurable” cases, said about heat therapy: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.”
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